Honouring the significant contribution of Mr John Coppock to the wellbeing of pharmacists, the Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) is pleased to be able to offer the John Coppock Pharmacist Wellbeing Award. This will be awarded annually, during October which is Mental Health Month in Australia, to a pharmacist, pharmacy intern or student, pharmacy staff member or a pharmacy team who contributes significantly to the wellbeing of members of the pharmacy profession. Generous sponsorship by Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (PDL) has made this award possible.
Pharmacy is a highly rewarding yet challenging career. Pharmacists and pharmacy staff have the privilege of assisting members of the Australian community to ensure quality use of medicine at all stages of life. This also however exposes members of the pharmacy profession to a range of stressors which may impact on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. PSS works to support the health and wellbeing of all members of the pharmacy profession from student days onwards. This award enables PSS to recognise the work of individuals and teams within pharmacy who contribute to the wellbeing of members of the pharmacy profession.
Established in 2024, this annual award celebrates the initiative(s) of pharmacists, pharmacy staff members and pharmacy teams which have resulted in the enhancement of wellbeing for their pharmacy colleagues. The award recognises those who are proactively putting in place a well thought through strategy to encourage and promote the physical, emotional and mental health of those working in pharmacy. These initiatives could include new approaches to preventing or managing stressful situations, leading culture change, supporting team members or otherwise benefitting the wellbeing of members of the pharmacy profession.
John Coppock’s work in pharmacy included many years serving the profession with roles in many pharmacy organisations. As well as being President of PSS from 2010 to 2023, he was Chair of PDL for 40 years, from 1971 to 2011 (and was a director from 1969 to 2011). He was Chair of the Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Company (APPCo), from 2001 to 2013, having been a director since 1986. In addition John was a member of the Pharmacy Board of Victoria (now Victorian Pharmacy Authority) from 1978 to 1984 including treasurer from 1982 to 1984. John was also a director of Guild Insurance and Financial Services, from 1976 to 2006, providing 30 years of service.
John’s leadership in pharmacy has been characterised by integrity, strong relationships within the pharmacy profession and an absolute commitment to the concept of pharmacy uniting to support all members of the profession. John has always strongly advocated that members of the pharmacy profession need to work together for the best outcomes for pharmacists and for the Australian community.
Nominations will be accepted from any pharmacist, pharmacy staff member or pharmacy team within Australia. Please see the nomination template available for download here and at the end of this page.
All nominations should be signed by a proposer and also a seconder, at least one of whom is a registered pharmacist. Self-nominations will be accepted. For a pharmacy team, please choose an individual as the main contact point and list all team members and their role on the nomination form.
Please include a description of the initiative or strategy addressing the selection criteria to a maximum of 500 words. If appropriate photographs or illustrations or website or social media links can be included. If the initiative or strategy is based on published research by the nominee or other researchers please include key references supporting the initiative or strategy (to a maximum of four references).
All completed nominations should be forwarded by email to Kay Dunkley.
The selection committee will comprise John Coppock, two representatives of PSS and two representatives of PDL.
The John Coppock Pharmacist Wellbeing Award is awarded to pharmacists, pharmacy interns or students, pharmacy staff members and pharmacy teams who have made a positive and sustained impact by championing mental, emotional and/or physical health and wellbeing within the pharmacy profession.
Nominations for the award will be assessed according to the extent to which the individual’s and/or pharmacy team’s initiative or strategy demonstrates evidence of:
If there is no suitable nomination the Award will be not awarded in that year.
Employees or contractors working for PSS or PDL are excluded from being nominated or receiving the Award (unless they are part of a larger team and are not involved in leading the project).
The recipient of the Award will be notified by the President of PSS.
The recipient of the Award will be announced via social media and in the pharmacy media after the recipient has been informed.
The recipient will receive a framed certificate and $2500. Presentation will be at a mutually convenient time and location. If this cannot be arranged the framed certificate will be delivered to the recipient.
*2024 Award Nominations have now closed*
Congratulations to Marika Castrisios, winner of the inaugural 2025 John Coppock Pharmacist Wellbeing Award, for her work on The Dignity Project! Read more here.
Prepared July 2024. For annual review prior to the opening of nominations.